In & Out of Character: Creation

In & Out of Character
This podcast was the brainchild of myself and Matthew Marcell--we wanted to apply the elements of storytelling to Roleplaying games. These games can often hinge on character development, and we felt that there was a lack of information for players just starting out. Our goal was to help fledgling players learn how to appropriately create vibrant characters for different game settings.

Life intervened, so we’ve only got the one episode, but it was a blast and I’m going to keep the file here as an example of my audio production work. Please note that we did have a lousy in-computer mic, and that will always severely limit what an audio editor can do.

We've been threatening our friends with it for about a month now, and it's finally available: Episode the First of our Podcast!

In & Out of Character is going to cover the finer points of Roleplaying Games, and we're starting at the beginning. We're looking forward to adding segments as we go along, and if you've got any ideas for topics or RP news we should discuss, please leave comments!

If you're unfamiliar with RP, it's a sort of collaborative storytelling format that you'll find present in Dungeons & Dragons as well as video games and out in the world as Live Action Roleplay.

Your hosts are Matt and Dana (Dana's the one writing this post), and we're hoping to have new episodes about every two weeks or so. Matt's the one with real D&D experience, while I'm an online RPer. We're both participating in a Changeling: The Lost LARP and looking forward to more forms of RP.

You can also pick up the RSS Feed for iTunes here: (Until we've got enough episodes to get listed all proper-like)

PodcastLydia Marcell